Hello moms!
I feel that we need so much
more fortitude to get through the day. Countless demands are bestowed upon us.
The weight just keeps getting heavier. Sometimes having support from a simple
blog/article may be our best friend and greatest ally.
Something some of you may not
be aware of is that I have another platform I am blessed with, KromeMedia, where I contribute by authoring freelance articles hi-lighting
actors, models, producers, etc. I have recently become editor of KromeMedia. I
would like to incorporate that world with this blog. So, if you have an
appetite for some casual reading feel free to browse those articles as
well when I share those links!
Looking ahead, my goal is to inspire women and to help us all escape from the norm!!
So stay tuned because I am fired up again and will have lots more to share!!!
"Live in the moment, plan for the future!" Aniyah, The MommySavior