Sunday, September 30, 2018

YES, YES,YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

YES, is this word embedded in your vocabulary?  Do you find yourself saying this word all day?  This word can be a blessing and a curse.
   Ladies let's take a closer look at this ordeal.  Here's what a few respondents on
 ( had to say about the word Yes:

                 Response to the word "yes":

-People tend to feel you are a pushover with no boundaries.
- People don't trust you, because they think you're not sincere. They are spectacle and want to know the price for your kindness.
- People whom you attract may be the wrong type, and wish to cause you mischief.
- People may let you down due to not reciprocating your good deeds.
- People tend to demand your time as a consequence of your availability.

         Here's 5 pointers to turn it around:

#1 Identify who you are keeping company with
#2 Put yourself first. If faced with the choice, move yourself into self preservation mold.
#3 Take inventory:
- will saying yes help me or hurt me?
- what are the pros and cons for my Yes?
#4 Immediately remove yourself from a conversation or situation  that makes you feel uncomfortable, and puts you in a weak predicament.
 #5 Finally, look into the mirror and say: " let my Yes mean Yes and No mean No.

    Now ladies go out there and try these techniques, and stay true to another word "me"!

Well that's all for this week ladies
Strength, courage and wisdom; while looking and feeling fabulous😉

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