Monday, June 13, 2022


Let’s Staycation!!! Gas prices soaring, airplane fares on the uprise! Oh My!!!


My 2021 Vacation                                                                                                                  

   Remember how pleasant it was for some of us to travel in 2021, post 2020 Covid-19 lockdowns?  Well for me it was a breeze! No long lines at the airport, swift bag check-in and checkout! Of course, the biggest bonus was the LOW AIR FARE!

In 2021 my final destination was New York City for a 10-day vacation! I  was traveling from Los Angeles to visit with family on short notice, it was early spring.   What an elated feeling it was to enter the aircraft without fearing getting bumped every three feet or going through an arduous obstacle course before finally getting to my seat.  My discovery was that the entire roll that I had an assigned seat in was empty and would remain that way for the totality of the flight!  To add to the serendipity, my flight attendant was at my beck  and call as if I had reserved him for myself!  Wow not bad for the coach section I thought.  Traveling in such style was unheard of for me normally,  but who was I to protest?  LOL!  So, I openly kicked up my feet, enjoyed the extra leg room and abundance of attention for the rest of the journey!

2022 Staycation

So, I guess what they say is true, good things don’t last very long! The same luxurious trip that I just described and got for a thrifty fair in the spring of 2021, had disappointingly doubled in price as of spring 2022! Really?  This revelation had left me jaded and refusing to shell out the extra Benjamins!  Instead, I made a choice to enjoy myself without lightening my wallet extensively. My solution was to make a list of local things that I enjoyed within a 60-mile radius of my home.

Viola, I discovered the perfect Staycation activities!

This is my actual list of fun & thrifty local things to do this summer 2022:

·         Hang by my pool

·         Hang on my deck (Barbecue)

·         Go to the local park: picnic, barbecue, bike ride, Hike, go for walk

·         Search for free local summer concerts

·         Beach activities- Check in to an economical Air B N B near the beach for the weekend

·         Museum

·         Amusement parks

·         Zoo

·         Attend modestly priced festivals/Concerts

·         Go to Happy hour venues for ½ price drinks and meals

·         Attend a matinee movie or go during a discounted day (usually during the week)

·         Have a movie night at home! Invite friends!

·         Stay cool and browse around the local mall: Window shop, people watch, grab a canny snack

·         Treat myself to an afternoon Latte drink and show how much I love yourself!

Maybe some of these items on my list will prove helpful, affordable and enjoyable for you this summer as well! Enjoy😊


Anita AKA Aniyah TheMommySavior

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