Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Pay Attention to the inside!

Pay Attention to the inside!

Normally I get out of bed with a laundry list of things I'd like to accomplish and of course I have the right outfits! Since I am usually consistent with my routine, I figure that I don't need to make any adjustments right? Umm, actually, wrong, very wrong!! Most of us moms very easily get caught up in the rat race.  We put ourselves into full speed and Go, Go, Go! We rarely take inventory of what is happening on the "inside" until it is too late. 
I recently had to press pause on my To-Do list to take care of a health issue that I really didn't know was serious.  My ailment let it be known that I needed to start paying attention,
after an incident that drove me to the emergency room last month.  There I was "superwoman" (at least I thought I was prior to that day) mounted on a dense wooden chair in triage 
 gasping for air! The ordeal lasted endless hours and finally I was diagnosed with Pericarditis.  Umm, sure most of you never heard of this one. Neither did I.  Turns out it is a condition in which you have fluid around your heart sac due to leakage from the nostril passage.   All of this was due to my chronic allergies/sinuses.
The traditional anecdote is anti-inflammatory or simply put: Ibuprofen.  So I walked away from an overnight stay at the hospital with prescription in hand and figured I'd be back to normal in a couple of days. Guess what, I was wrong again! My sinuses decided not to give up and I ended up with a sinus infection one week after my discharge from the hospital.  At that point I was popping the 800mg Ibuprofen pills, ingesting some ineffective allergy medication and slurping cough syrup due to the sore throat the infection caused.  Between the antihistamines and codeine inactive ingredients I felt like a zombie.  I could not function my normal task.  I was forced to stay down on the couch and do absolutely nothing! 
Most of you know "Doers" need to do something! Doing nothing can drive a doer to insanity.  
So my edge of sanity self decided to do some research on natural remedies for my ailments, because I could no longer tolerate the side effects of traditional medicine.  
My natural Remedies:

  • Herbal Tea
  • Fresh Lemon
  • Cayenne Pepper
  • Ginger Root
  • Raw Honey

Within days of taking the above all of my symptoms dissipated!  I have to say that this experience  inspired a movement for me and has taught me valuable lessons I'd like to share:

#1) Never ignore your ailments.  If you have any minor discomfort,  your body is talking to you.
#2) Be a skeptic.  Make sure you are properly diagnosed by a professional, and don't hesitate to get a second opinion. 
#3) Do your research.  Once you have been diagnosed with an ailment, find out if there are alternative medications you can use that are non-toxic.  Especially if you have a chronic illness. You want to avoid the side effects of traditional medications.  Sometimes the side effects can be more unpleasant than the actual illness!

Tips on looking good on the outside and feeling good inside!

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