Sunday, May 29, 2016

Mood Boosters

Hey you, how are you feeling today?  Is your busy "must do" schedule dominating your life? Well your not alone! Most of us moms spend the majority of our time taking care of other people.  We have our checklist for our spouses, kids, relatives, friends or pets, but we don't include ourselves on this list.  I guess we forgot that there should be a box for ourselves.  Funny oversight right?   So let's turn this around and check in with ourselves starting today, yes don't wait until tomorrow, start today!  Did you know that making yourself a higher priority could boost your mood?  Self pampering can make us feel like we matter. When most people think of pampering they imagine a bubble bath, a day at the spa or maybe even a good workout.  These techniques are effective, but not solely tapping into our needs. Pampering also comes in the form of taking care of our personal business.  When we prioritize our lives we essentially are cuddling our inner psyche, thus resulting in a mood boost! So the next time you are feeling weighed down by the world, try some of these mood boosters to improve your sense of worth:

Start your day with a daily meditation. State what you'd like your day to look like.... If you have a few goals in mind for the day, specify what they are so you can commit to them. One source of stress stems from procrastination or from items on lists that remain pending. So knock out those items so they are no longer hanging over your head.  Do the things you like the least, first, this way you don't have to think about them. 
Note: if you are unable to meditate at home in the morning due to schedule restraints; take a 10 minute break at work and find a quiet meditative spot (the bathroom is a good source for privacy).

After you've meditated, prioritize your task.  Don't just write down what you need to do.  Put a number next to the task.  Strategically plan out your day.  Doing this allows you to pencil in time for the things you enjoy:)

Manage your money:
When we take control of our finances we automatically put ourselves in the driver's seat of our lives.  Our money is the foundation of our livelihood.  Mismanaging our funds can add to stress and of course unnecessary debt. The anecdote is to plan ahead by creating a realistic financial budget. Allocate funds for each area: Bills, savings,emergency fund, spending and vacation. Seeing where our money is going can actually help us to find dollars we never thought existed. For instance, packing a breakfast, lunch and a snack can save us up to $20 a day! That is $100 a week, and up to $400 a month. Think of it this way, this $400 can pay your car note!

I can not stress enough on how important it is to keep your hobbies and never neglect them.  Our hobbies feed our inner spirit and are indispensable outlets.  Whether your hobby is as simply as reading suspense thrillers, drawing, painting, or creating family photo galleries; they are important because they make us feel good and may even relax us.  So go ahead take that trip to the art supply store on your next day off and stock up on some apparatus for your next project.  Your safe to
stock up as long as it is within your budget!

So I hope these tips will prove helpful in boosting your mood. Remember you have to take the first step though!


"Tips for moms on looking good on the outside and feeling good inside!"

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