Sunday, May 22, 2016

Ready for the summer?

I know most of us panic when the temperature starts rising
in late spring.  The layers start to come off and we are afraid that
 we aren't ready to show some skin! We think, yikes another summer where I have to squeeze into those shorts, expose my arms and toss the hot and clingy Spanx 
Image result for summer images
Here are some tips so you can bare it all with confidence this summer season:

Step 1: Don't be so hard on yourself.  We are usually the ones who confirm what our flaws are. The rest of the world probably doesn't notice that birthmark you dread about, which is located slightly beneath your left calf.  

Step 2: Make a list of the things you feel you can realistically and comfortably change about your appearance. Be realistic, because
you probably don't have the budget for the cosmetic surgery that
your more affluent peers can afford.  The alternative is to work with what you have!
-A new hair cut or color can take years off of your face!
-Adding some brighter colors to your wardrobe can set a different mood (do a google search on colors that work for your particular skin tone)
-Invest in a waist clinching belt.  Accentuating your waist can give the appearance of significant weight loss. 

Step 3: If your not the traditional workout type, think of alternatives to hitting the gym:
-If you commute on the bus, get off a few stops sooner than your normal route. Try to get in at least a 20 minute power walk (don't forget your walking shoes!). 
-If you drive to work, park a few blocks further away from the job,
so you can get a quick power walk each morning.
-Join a hiking group (there are hundreds of hiking meet-up groups on the Internet).
-Purchase a few dance or exercise DVDs so you can work off some pounds during your own leisure time.
Step 4: Take inventory of what is in your closet that you feel flatters your figure and keep those key items! 

Rule to remember: Accentuate the parts you like and negate the parts you don't.  A good way to do this is; if you like the top part of your body, wear brighter colors in this area.  If you aren't comfortable with your bottom half, wear darker colors to play this area down.  Sometimes it is as simple as fooling the eye! 

I hope these tips come in handy so you can bare it all! LOL....

" Tips for moms on looking good on the outside and feeling good inside"

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