Health segment: The MommySavoir
Must know techniques to alleviate stress! Go Ahead!!!
Welcome back moms! So many of us are trying to keep our heads above water during this challenging year. Unfortunately many of us don't have the tools or aren't equipped for the hurdles, so we find ourselves sinking and gasping for air! Here are a few ventilators that may prove to be life savers!
5 Tips for coping with stress:
#1) Eat and drink sensibly-
We have been told to watch our diet for weight and stress control, but we haven't been told how. The how is in us retraining our brains when it comes to our meals. Most of the time we eat from our subconscious or out of habit. We go into autopilot when selecting foods. What if I told you that we could actually train ourselves to make healthier food choices? Yes there is a psychology behind our eating habits!
Re-programing the brain is all it takes to getting on the fast track of healthy eating.
Statements like: Today I will eat.... I will no longer consume....My healthy meal plan today is... This type of affirmation can set the tone and help you control your daily intake! So Go Ahead and try this!
#2) Assert Yourself-
Most moms are nurturers and pleasers, therefore they commit to assignments that may be overwhelming. A great tactic for countering this is to take a critical look at that good old To-Do list and make sure it's not overloaded. Once you have accessed what isn't feasible, then it's time to say No to these items. Go ahead say it "Nooo", it actually is relieving! So Go Ahead and try this!
#3) Eliminate Bad Habits-
Bad habits are the culprits of so many of our stress levels. Habits like not getting enough sleep, exercise, or eating properly. Take a stand and start each day by stating what behavior you want to eliminate and the new habits you'd like to replace this with. Breaking these habits can be a task, but fortunately it only takes 21 days to break a habit and construct a new one! So Go Ahead and try this!
#4) Self Inventory-
Another factor that most aren't aware of is that a general lack of self-care is also a bad habit. Self-care meaning we take care of the issues in our lives by facing them. When was the last time that you really asked yourself questions like: what is bothering me?, how can I get more satisfaction out of my life?, what do I need to do differently?, what strengths do I have to elevate myself? Taking stock of some of the issues ailing us and working through them could give us our own therapy session.
Note: when your pondering this, try to be candid with your responses. An honest approach can get you the answers you need, and could lead to a more fulfilling existence. So Go Ahead and try this!
#5) Pampering-
Self-care comes in various forms. Another component of it is seen when we pamper ourselves. This is a popular anecdote for relieving stress, however it doesn't work unless it is done!
-Indulge in a bubble bath
-Spurge on that manicure and pedicure once in a while
-Treat yourself to a Swedish or Deep Tissue Massage
These five stress relievers can prove beneficial if practiced everyday. Beginning your day with simple affirmations can be the start of something wonderful!
Source: Speaking of Women's Health
Aniyah- The MommySavior
Thanks so much and just in time for Christmas.